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The Relationship Benefits Of A Couples Massage!

Relationships lose their spark when life becomes consumed with things like work, kids, and daily stressors. In some cases, the majority disunite from the relationship altogether. We want to challenge the new norm and help you revive a connection with your partner.

The relationship benefits of a couples massage can turn things around from dull conversation topics and ordinary movie dates.

Introducing couple’s massage date nights is now equivalent to going on vacation. Who knew you could even do that?

You don’t need to spend thousands booking flights and staying at luxury hotels to relax. A comfortable bathrobe and soothing spa music will flip the switch from work to vacation mode instantly.

Plus, spending time with your loved one in a relaxing environment is a change of pace. We could all dedicate some time to lower tension and stress levels.

The relationship benefits of a couples massage blog will focus on 3 principles:

  1. The Importance Of A Couples Massage

  2. Setting The Stage At Home For A Couples Massage

  3. 3 Ways Couples Massage Sustains Your Relationship

Let’s dive in, shall we?

Couples Massage Benefits In Honolulu

The Importance Of A Couples Massage

To make this exciting for you, let’s break this down into 4 key points that’ll paint a picture about the importance of a couples massage.

1. Quality Time With Your Partner

When was the last time you and your partner spent quality time together outside of going out to dinner or as you get ready for bed?

It is time to reignite the spark in your relationship and focus on ways that you can relax together. During a couples massage, quality time is unmatched compared to cuddling on the couch or eating dinner together.

It can also enhance the dining experience because it will bring about new conversation topics and feeling relaxed. It opens up an opportunity for vulnerability in the same space as your partner.

At the same time, it cloaks around you in soft, charming energy that melts the worries of yesterday, today, and tomorrow—welcoming empathy that draws you in closer to your partner.

2. Trying Something New With Your Partner

It’s important to mix things up and let yourself be free with your partner. What that means is laugh, play, and let go. Sometimes it may be easier said than done. This is the part where trying something new can revive your time together.

Going for a massage is equivalent to going on a trip to spice things up in your relationship, except you’ll avoid high travel costs and packing for the weekend.

Spend time together brainstorming ideas. Welcome your creativity and explore the various activities around you, in Oahu. Take it back to your honeymoon stage and be a teenager again.

During a couples massage, you can ease into the energy and enjoy the tranquillity together after a long week or long few years!

3. Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Our body is remarkable because it stores absolutely everything, hence why it’s crucial to nurture it. After a while, we become stiff, sore, and sadly immobile. That will inevitably come with age.

Scheduling a couples massage from time to time can help loosen up those muscles and fire the social hormones to help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, leaving you rejuvenated.

The social hormones stimulated by touch are serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.

Reducing stress and anxiety opens doors for connection and appreciation for your partner and life.

4. Solid Time For Reflection And Connection

During a couples massage, lose the need for thinking and physical activity. Allow the mind to be quiet and captivate stillness or focus on the sensations of your massage.

How often do you self-reflect?

The massage experience sets a peaceful stage to wonder upon reflection or simply close your eyes and drift away. A state of complete vulnerability during a massage with your partner invites an energetic and intimate connection at that moment.

We all need a reset, and this may be what you need.
Couples Massage Benefits In Honolulu

Setting The Stage At Home For A Couples Massage

No availability? No problem. If booking a couples massage in Honolulu is not workable for your schedules, then you can set the stage at home.

All you need are few key accessories, a safe space, and the willingness of each individual. You have yourself a stress-free romantic evening.

If you’ve ever gotten a massage, you know the aroma and soft music that calms the nerves? Recreate it. Perhaps you light your favourite candle or turn on your diffuser with spa music playing in the background.

Don’t have the music too loud; achieve gentle background and soothing ambiance.

Giving others permission to touch our bodies is a delicate experience that can withdraw emotion.

It is vital to hold space for yourself and your partner at that moment.

When setting the stage at home for a couples massage, think about tenderness, vulnerability, safety, and connection. With that said, turn off the bright light and stage a relaxing mood with dim lighting.

Check ahead of time and set your mobile devices on silent where they won’t break the room’s energy or the flow of your massage. Take the initiative to capture this time as sentimental to your relationship and your quality time together.

Although you are in the presence of your home, we encourage you to immerse yourself in the time you carved out for one another. Stay present and communicate any needs, desires, and discomforts.

Leave work, stress, money, or anything taxing out of the conversation.

Couples Massage Techniques:

1. Intentional Movement
Focus on your breath and your partner’s breath to help ground you in the present moment and help you intertwine with their emotional energy.

2. Inquire About Pressure/Movement
Show curiosity for your partner’s wants and needs during their massage. Inquire about pressure preference and any areas of concern that they want to target.

3. Massage Types

You don’t have to be a professional masseuse to deliver a massage. With intention and listening, you can provide.

Massage at home is an opportunity to get in tune with your partner’s wants and needs and an act of giving wholeheartedly. When we pour genuine care into every caress, we build an emotional bridge and trust.

The best massage to do on your partner is while setting the mood and a safe space where you can connect. A safe-space helps in releasing pent-up energy, emotion, and tension from everyday stressors.

Couples Massage Benefits In Honolulu

3 Ways Couples Massage Sustains Your Relationship

The relationship benefits of a couples massage can sustain your relationship in 3 ways. Besides being a popular form of self-care and rehabilitation for the mind and body, it can also work wonders on how you communicate and release emotion.

Earlier, we talked about massage stimulating your social hormones or your “happy” hormones, endorphins.

We’ll be touching on the theme of communication, which can often lead to resentments, lack of self-expression, and attention to needs/desires in a partnership if not looked after.

A couples massage can help promote 3 things in your communication with your partner.

Let’s dive in:

1. Empathy

Inevitably, minor situations with our partner get under our skin. A common choice is to sweep that under the rug. Most likely, we attach them to deeper rooted issues or set us off because of a stressful day at work.

Whatever the case, it can be too late for damage control, and so expressing yourself, healing, and growing with your partner requires work.

Couples Massage therapy is a viable way to get on top of your relationship. It’s hard to compromise or empathize with your partner when you have pent-up emotions.

Through physical touch and deep relaxation during a massage, we can move pent-up energy in the body, inviting more space and healthy balance. Sometimes, that’s all that’s necessary to shift mindset or direction in a conversation.

2. Communication

We are going to piggyback on the previous sentence around the “direction in conversations.”

Keeping a balanced conversation when we feel hurt or saddened by something can be tricky. Hence, the importance of looking after our physical bodies can help us carry a level-headed chat.

Communication is key. The key to communicating effectively is a lot easier when you are, individually, in tune with your emotions and body.

Because massage leaves space for reflection and moving energy in the body, this opens the gates for flow in conversation vs. uncertainty and insecurity. A level-headed discussion can help you dissolve any bickering and improve relationships, not just romantically.

3. Personal Desires

Pay attention to your desires during a couples massage. This is a great way to understand how you communicate your needs and your ability to set yourself apart from your partner.

Can you voice your preferences or opt for a different type of massage than your partner? Or do you feel the need to do everything the same?

The opportunities are endless. Although doing things succinctly in your relationship is favourable, it is also essential to nurture your sense of individuality, so things don’t become too enmeshed.

Because of enmeshment, we deny ourselves to be authentic, which plants a seed for deeper-rooted problems.
Couples Massage Benefits In Honolulu

In Conclusion…

Relationships are gardens that bloom when watered, nurtured, and fed. The time we spend growing our gardens reflects in the way they flourish and bloom.

There are several moving parts to a garden. Besides that, the amount of labour the gardener puts into the garden will reflect the results.

In retrospect, relationships are the same.

As gardeners of relationships, we must take care of ourselves to pour love and labour into the garden. The relationship benefits of a couples massage will pour into both the garden and the gardener.

Give you and your partner a gift of a couples massage in Honolulu on Oahu. Tend to your physical, emotional and mental health, your body and relationship will thank you for it. Call us at (808)200-4611 if you would like to schedule your Couples Massage appointment with us in Honolulu, or book at the “Schedule An Appointment” button below!

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