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How You Can Reach Your Goals Of A Healthy Lifestyle

June is right around the corner, and we thought we would check in with you about the goals you’ve set for 2021 in January. **Experiences goosebumps.

Does that send shivers up your spine?

How many years in a row do we set the same goals and then give up halfway through?

 Too often, we imagine.

In this blog, aside from keeping you in check, we wanted to share some key points to help you succeed. We want to teach you how you can reach your goals of a healthy lifestyle. Because we are almost halfway through the year, and it doesn’t mean you have to give up.

We will provide you with some valuable tools to help you revisit your goals from January and see if you can make any revisions. We want you to succeed! So, with that said, put on your “must do this” attitude hat, and let's kick some butt reaching our goals!

Reach Your Goals Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Why Do People Give Up On Their Goals?

Do you give up on your goals three weeks in or never even start?

Don’t worry; you are not the only one.

Here is why.

Most people don’t know how to set goals. Some don’t set goals at all. Instead, they are thoughts that hang out at the back of your mind.

The reason for this is a lack of clarity, plans, and deeper meaning which results in a lack of motivation and a reason to quit. The goals you set have no real urgency because you don’t think about things like timelines or what motivated you set this goal in the first place.

We have to be clear about our goals, and we have to write them down so they come to life. Aside from that, when you feel like giving up, you have something to reference that reminds you why you started in the first place.

I Give Up On My Goals.

Does the above statement sound like you? Do not worry. There is a reason for this.

When we implement new goals or habits into our life, we have to start small. This step is crucial to ensure your success.

Many people live life by “go hard or go home,” but that sets you up for failure quicker than anything else.


We set goals or pick habits that eat away a lot of our time, and we “don’t get around to getting them done.” Or we go hard for a few months and then drop the task.

Our minds are quick to give or justify you not doing something because you have to clean the house, pick the kids up from school, and make dinner for the family. Your list of tasks for the day is endless.

In reality, you do have enough time.
You have to implement an attainable goal that doesn’t take up a lot of your time, where you can’t

give yourself an excuse not to do it.

For example:

We all know that we have to floss our teeth every day, but only 50 percent or less of you do this. Why? Simply because going from zero to one hundred is automatically setting you up for failure.

If someone asked you to floss only one tooth each day for the first week and then add a tooth every week, would you do it? Most likely, yes. You would succeed because you took small steps and built that habit.

It is the same when you are working out at the gym. You don’t start lifting 100 lbs your first time; instead, you gradually work your way up. When you are trying to build a mental habit, it works the same way.

Reach Your Goals Of A Healthy Lifestyle

How To Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

We will break down what S.M.A.R.T. goals stands for, but we need to mention a couple of things before jumping into it.

When we are setting long-term goals, we need to have short-term and daily goals to help drive us in the right direction. For the goals to progress us forward, we must write them down. Otherwise, they only exist in your thoughts, and thoughts are not real. They are just thoughts.

Writing down a goal allows you to make it concrete, make it come alive on a page, and live in your heart. You are making a long-term commitment to yourself, and this is the part where you get to show up for YOU.

Another thing to keep in mind when making goals is using the “I will” statement vs. “I might do this..” or “I am thinking about ... “ When you are clear and concise, you don’t make room for wishy-washy statements that give you an easy out.

The S.M.A.R.T. Goals Criteria:

Specific: You can use the 5 W to help you get clear with this. (Who, what, where, when, and why)

You have to get specific. So you know what you need to reach your goal. Understanding the details, especially the WHY to what you are doing, will give you the “I must do this” attitude.

Your specific goal should show you the way to where you want to go.

Measurable: How many/ how much? How do you know if you reached this goal? What is the indicator for progress?

You won’t know how far you’ve come if you don’t see what you are measuring. Dates, time, amounts? This part of the goal is crucial because you need to celebrate the wins that will encourage you to keep moving forward!

Achievable: Do you have all of the resources? If not, what are you missing? Have others achieved this goal?

Are you setting yourself up for success? Or are you setting an utterly unrealistic goal? If your goals are not achievable, they will erode your confidence, but they won't challenge you enough if they are too easy. Find your happy medium.

Realistic/Relevant: Is the goal within reach given the time and resources? Can you commit? Does this goal support your overarching goal?

Your goals must be relevant to whatever you want to achieve in your career, personal life, etc. The plans must align with the direction you want to take.

Time-Bound: When do you want to achieve this goal? Does this goal have a deadline? Deadlines are important because they create URGENCY!

Five Things To Keep In Mind When Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

1. Put your goal in writing, so it is tangible and real. In your writing, keep a positive mind frame.

2. Make a “to-do” list with your goals at the top.

3. Put your goals somewhere visible, and reference back on them when you feel like giving up.

4. Stick with it; your goals are an ongoing activity. You can have reminders in place to keep you on track.

5. Review your goals weekly and alter your action plan to match your goals if something is not working.
Reach Your Goals Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Creating An Action Plan

  1. Identify tasks and write everything down. Please take a look at your jobs and prioritize them in order.

  2. Analyze and delegate your tasks if applicable. Do you need additional resources? Should you hire a freelancer?

  3. Double-check with S.C.H.E.M.E.S.; is a checklist of things to consider when you are making an action plan to help you generate a detailed, step-by-step guide.

Space - Do you have the available space, venue, workstation, etc.?
Cash - Do you have the funds?
Helpers/People - Will you need to hire somebody?
Equipment - Do you have everything you need? Will you need to invest or rent equipment? Buy a membership or sign up for a software tool?

Materials - Do you have what you need to complete the goal?
Expertise - Will you need somebody else to do the job? Do you need to take an online course? Systems- Do you have a plan in place? Will you need to get one? From where? Does it make you more efficient?

The above are suggestions to help you get the ball rolling in your action plan planning. The goal is to get crystal clear and specific around what needs to get done to move things forward.

This kind of planning does not allow you to get off track because you have something to reference back to when things get out of hand or lose your momentum.

You can achieve whatever you want as long as you have a system in place that is designed for you to succeed. We encourage you not to get discouraged because the journey is a personal one, and the only person you are competing against is the person you were yesterday.

Reach Your Goals Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Let’s Bring This To A Close

We hope this blog on how you can reach your goals of a healthy lifestyle was informative. You are capable of living a healthy lifestyle. You need to have the right action plan and align with your why and reasons behind your goals.

Use the tools provided in this blog as a guide for you to shape your future for the better. We are with you every step of the way and are excited to be part of the journey.

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